Patrick Luping Ting | Obituary

Patrick Luping Ting (丁瀘平), a cherished father, grandfather, husband, brother, mentor, and world-renowned hop chemist, passed away peacefully at his home in Irvine, CA, on April 2, 2024, after a courageous battle with Interstitial Lung Disease. Born in Hunan, China, on January 23, 1945, Patrick's life was characterized by unwavering dedication to his family, a strong work ethic, and a profound passion for the craft of brewing beer and hops.
After earning his degree from Taiwan Normal University, Patrick furthered his education at North Texas and later at Marquette University in Milwaukee, WI, where he received his Masters in Analytical Chemistry and then University of North Texas achieveing his Ph.D. in Organic Chemistry. This educational journey led him to a distinguished 30-year career as a Principal Research Chemist at Miller Brewing Co. (Miller Coors).  After his Miller career, he settled in Orange County, CA, to be close to his family, grandchildren, and relatives. 
Patrick's legacy includes pioneering innovations in specialty hops and light-stable beer, selecting new hop varieties, co-developing the "Citra" hop, and securing over 20 US Patents related to hops, including improvements to well-known brands such as Miller Lite, High Life, and MGD. In what he called "retirement," Patrick continued to share his wisdom and expertise, teaching as an adjunct professor at Qilu University of Technology Jinan, Shandong province, China. His passion for his field and willingness to mentor others remained evident until his final days, as he continued to work with those eager to learn from him.
He leaves behind his beloved wife, Eve (Tang Yifay); his children, Dale Ting and Linda (Brady) Baehring; and his adored grandchildren, Bo and Mei Baehring.
A memorial service to honor Patrick's life will be held Monday, April 22, 2024, from 11 AM to 12 PM at Hua Yuan, Hall of Grace at 3888 Workman Mill Rd, Whittier, CA 90601, in Rose Hill Memorial Park. If sending flowers, please have any flowers delivered directly to the Hall of Grace on April 22 at 10 AM.
Patrick will be laid to rest immediately after at Rose Hills Memorial Park, Alpine Terrace;  where he will be buried near his mother and father. A reception will follow, and TBA.
The family will also hold a memorial in Milwaukee, WI, in July, where Patrick resided for over 37 years. 
The family is deeply grateful for the outpouring of love and support during this difficult time. We encourage you to honor Patrick's memory by toasting with an IPA or drink of choice, celebrating his passion for beer and hops. Your presence and remembrance mean the world to us. 

丁瀘平(Patrick Luping Ting),一位受人尊敬的父親、祖父、丈夫、兄弟、導師和世界著名的啤酒花化學家,於 2024 年 4 月 2 日在加州爾灣市的家中安詳離世,享年 79 歲。他於 1945 年 1 月 23 日在中國湖南出生,他的一生因對家庭的不懈奉獻、堅韌的職業道德以及對啤酒釀造和啤酒花工藝的深刻熱愛而聞名。

从国立台湾师范大学获得学位后,爸爸在威斯康星州密尔沃基的马凯特大学继续深造,获得分析化学硕士学位,随后又在北德克萨斯州获得有机化学博士学位。在这段求学历程中,他作为首席研究化学家在 MillerCoors 公司工作了 30 年。在米勒寇斯公司的职业生涯结束后,他定居在加利福尼亚州的橘郡,以便离家人、孙子和亲戚更近一些。。

父親的遺產主要包括在特色啤酒花和耐光啤酒方面的開拓性創新、選擇新的啤酒花品種、共同開發了“西特拉”啤酒花,並獲得了 20 多項與啤酒花有關的美國專利,包括改良已知品牌如“海雷夫”(High Life)、“萊特”(Lite)和MGD。在他所謂的“退休”期間,父親仍然堅持繼續分享他的智慧和專業知識,在中國山東省濟南市齊魯工業大學擔任兼職教授。他對自己的領域充滿激情,願意指導他人的態度一直持續到他生命的最後幾天,他仍然在繼續與那些渴望向他學習的人一起工作。

他留下了他挚爱的妻子Eve (Tang Yifay);他的子女Dale Ting 和 Linda (Brady) Baehring; 以及他心爱的孙辈Bo 和 Mei Baehring。

為紀念父親的一生,追悼會將於 2024 年 4 月 22 日星期一上午 11 點至下午 12 點在(華園)恩典堂舉行,地址:3888 Workman Mill Rd, Whittier, CA 90601。如需送花,請於 4 月 22 日上午 10 點前將花直接送至恩典堂。


7 月下旬,家人還將在威斯康辛州密爾沃基舉行追悼會,那裡是父親居住了超過 37 年的地方。

在這個艱難的時刻,我們對您的關愛和支持表示深深的感謝。我們鼓勵您以 IPA 或其他喜愛的飲品敬酒,以紀念父親對啤酒和啤酒花的熱愛。您的出席和紀念對我們來說意義重大。